Schedule for Spring Cleaning 2021

It’s that time of year where winter has come to an end and we are now faced with a need for some DEEP cleaning, also known as Spring cleaning. Although thinking about the amount of cleaning that needs to be done can feel overwhelming, creating a schedule might make the task feel a little less stressful.

  1. Gather Supplies
    First things first, be sure you have all of the necessary cleaning solutions and tools equipment. Grab some dish soap, antibacterial cleaner, dish gloves, rags, sponges, an old toothbrush, baking soda, white vinegar, trash bags, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, and anything else you might need to freshen up your home. If your cabinets have been lacking on the organization - consider purchasing new bins for pantry items and risers or a lazy Susan for seasonings.

  2. Start with the organization
    Before you can implement your new risers into your spice cabinet - it might be a good idea to check expiration dates and toss out almost-empty bottles. Once you remove all of the spices from the cabinet, give the cabinet a little sweep to clear out any potential odor-causing spills. Next, move onto your other cabinets and organize your plates, bowls, utensils and the dreaded Tupperware cabinets.

  3. Fridge + freezer clean-out
    Grab a trash bag, a cooler and some ice packs for this task. Time to open up those meal storage containers you’ve been pushing to the back of the fridge for a while now. Throw out old food, check expirations on the items you have left in the fridge, and temporarily place these things in a cooler so that you can wipe down the shelves and drawers. For those drawers with spilled liquid that is not fully coming out - sprinkle some baking soda to absorb this liquid and odor. Repeat the same steps for the freezer and don’t forget to give the exterior a nice wipe down as well.

  4. Wipe down your appliances
    You know what I’m talking about. That food splatter you’ve been ignoring for entirely too long. Grab your cleaner and wipe down the microwave, trash can, dishwasher, toaster oven, and any other appliances that you frequently use. Soapy water followed by vinegar are a couple of great solutions to use for appliances to remove mineral buildup in the dishwasher and neutralize odor in other appliances. Baking soda can be put in trash bins to absorb odors as well.

  5. Scrub the surfaces
    If you have kids, dogs, or other messy beings in your household - the baseboards in your kitchen and other common spaces could likely use a cleaning. Soapy water and a rag or magic eraser should work for this task. This is one of those things you might forget to do, but once the baseboards are sparkling, you’ll definitely notice a difference in the cleanliness of your space. Cleaning the windows will brighten your space and make such a difference from both the inside and the outside. Countertops should also get a good cleaning before moving onto the floors. Complete this step with a vacuum and mop of your floors.

  6. Give your tools some care
    Sharpen those knives, replace old sponges, wash used dish towels. This is the last step! Now that you’ve spent about a week cleaning your home - sit back and enjoy the work that you’ve done. Now you can welcome the warm weather with a clean home to return to.