Should I Sell Now or Wait Until Spring?

Should I wait to sell my home until the spring?

This is a question we’re getting a ton right now as we’re in January in the middle of winter. Our answer for a lot of folks right now is: Now is the time!

The reason we’re saying that is because inventory levels are at an all-time low, the market is packed with buyers as interest rates are at historical lows, and that really provides a great opportunity for you as a seller! The reason it does is because with low inventory levels, you have a lot less competition, so when buyers are searching for that perfect home - they don’t have as many options.

These low inventory levels have led to an all time high in housing prices here in the Triad. What this means is it gives you a great ability to cash in on your investment in your home and look forward to that next house that you can envision yourself in the future.

Now the benefit is: when you go to purchase - the interest rates are at an all time low so it allows you to lock in on a fixed rate for a long period of time.